Hello friends, thanks for stopping by!
Recently, in the middle of an incredibly spiritual 3 weeks in Minnesota with my family, my friend, Chuni, called. Chuni is an amazingly energetic and productive friend of mine in NJ with a PhD in something like Organizational Development. (I can hear her correcting me now!) Years ago, I had told her that the next time she returns to her home country of Taiwan, I would like to go with her. She was calling to say that she was taking her son there for his high school graduation present and she wanted to know if I would like to go along. They were leaving in 5 weeks and the flight was filling up and I had to decide in an hour whether I could go. I called my husband and we both decided it was a once in a lifetime opportunity which I could not pass up!Chuni said we would be staying 3 weeks. We would be taking a 5 day "Secret Taiwan" tour,and staying with her relatives near Taipei. We would also visit college friends in Hong Kong for 5 days with a side trip to Macau! She said she would teach me Mandarin Chinese before we left and I said I would download the iTranslate app! She said I should bring a parasol and handkerchief since it will be incredibly hot and humid. Chuni is tiny but loves to eat. She can't wait to share her favorite foods.Check out this link for some Taiwanese favorites: http://www.cnngo.com/explorations/eat/40-taiwanese-food-296093
My daughter, Hannah, (the braided bandit.blogspot.com) set up this blog for me to document my adventures. Once she shows me how to import pictures and links, I'll throw it all in here! We leave Saturday EARLY a.m. Can't wait!
Hi Colleen, Chuni, you should be there now. You both loom large in my eyes. Hope someone is fanning you. Temp dropped below 90 this weekend. :)